Deprecations Added in Ember 5.x

What follows is a list of deprecations introduced to Ember during the 5.x cycle.

For more information on deprecations in Ember, see the main deprecations page.

Deprecations Added in 5.3.0

§ Implicit Route Model

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-implicit-route-model

Previously, if no Route#model hook was specified and a _id parameter was present, Ember would attempt to figure out how to load that model for you. Specify your own model hook to load from the store, if desired.

An optional feature, called no-implicit-route-model, can be turned on to clear this deprecation and opt in to the new behaviour. This optional feature is enabled in blueprints as of v5.7.0 and will be removed in v6.0.0. For more information, see the optional features guides.

For example:

import { Route } from '@ember/routing/route';
import { service } from '@ember/service';

export default class MyModelRoute extends Route {
  @service store;

  model({ my_model_id }) {
    return'my-model', my_model_id);

For more background, read the RFC.

Deprecations Added in 5.9.0

§ Action helper and modifier

until: 6.0.0
id: template-action

Scenario: action is passed a string


<button type="button" {{action "plusOne"}}>
  Click Me


<button type="button" {{on 'click' this.plusOne}}>
  Click Me

or, if plusOne is passed in as an argument:

<button type="button" {{on 'click' @plusOne}}>
  Click Me

If the plusOne action is in an actions object, it needs to move out:

For Glimmer components


import Component from '@glimmer/component';

export default class Demo extends Component {
    actions = {
        plusOne() {
           /* ... */ 


import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';

export default class Demo extends Component {
    plusOne() {
       /* ... */ 


For Classic Components with native classes


import Component from '@ember/component';

export default class Demo extends Component {
    doMath() {

    actions = {
        plusOne() {
           /* ... */ 


import Component from '@ember/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';

export default class Demo extends Component {
    doMath() {

    plusOne() {
       /* ... */ 


For Classic Components with EmberObject.extend


import Component from '@ember/component';

export default Component.extend({
    actions: {
        plusOne() {
           /* ... */ 


import Component from '@ember/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';

export default Component.extend({
  plusOne: action(function() {
      /* ... */ 

If (action) or {{action}} is passed a string, it's possible that the referenced method is declared on the caller, and not the immediate component -- that is, (action) and {{action}} bubble up the render tree from route templates -> controllers -> routes.

Note that @action is completely different from (action) or {{action}} (and is partly a motivator for deprecating (action) and {{action}}, to reduce ambiguity).

@action binds the this on the method to the instance of the class.

Scenario: action is passed a function reference


<SomeComponent @update={{action this.plusOne}} />


<SomeComponent @update={{this.plusOne}} />

Scenario: action is passed parameters


<SomeComponent @update={{action 1}} />


<SomeComponent @update={{fn 1}} />

Scenario: action is used with mut


<SomeComponent @update={{action (mut}} />


// parent.js
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';

export default class SomeComponent extends Component {
    handleUpdate(value) { = value; 
{{! parent.hbs }}
<SomeComponent @update={{this.handleUpdate}} />

Related, Combining function arguments with action functions

For more background, read the RFC

Deprecations Added in 5.10.0

§ Component Template Resolving

until: 6.0.0
id: component-template-resolving

There are two types of paths to migrate off the old layouts

  • use a currently supported multi-file layout (keeping separate js, ts, and hbs files)
  • migrate the component entirely to the latest component format, gjs, gts, (aka <template>)

There are some tools to help with this:

Specifically, these layouts are no longer supported:


The above example(s) can be migrated to:


Or using --component-structure=nested


Note, however, that classic components importing the layout and setting it on an @ember/component will still work. The key thing being deprecated is the runtime resolution of templates, so if there is an import involved, there is no runtime resolution.

§ Ember.__loader

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import---loader-from-ember

Previously, __loader could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember._action

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--action-from-ember

Previously, _action could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _action can be imported:

import { action } from '@ember/object';

§ Ember._array

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--array-from-ember

Previously, _array could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _array can be imported:

import { array } from '@ember/helper';

§ Ember._assertDestroyablesDestroyed

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--assert-destroyables-destroyed-from-ember

Previously, _assertDestroyablesDestroyed could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _assertDestroyablesDestroyed can be imported:

import { assertDestroyablesDestroyed } from '@ember/destroyable';

§ Ember._associateDestroyableChild

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--associate-destroyable-child-from-ember

Previously, _associateDestroyableChild could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _associateDestroyableChild can be imported:

import { associateDestroyableChild } from '@ember/destroyable';

§ Ember._Backburner

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--backburner-from-ember

Previously, _Backburner could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


_Backburner is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember._Cache

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--cache-from-ember

Previously, _Cache could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember._cacheGetValue

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--cache-get-value-from-ember

Previously, _cacheGetValue could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _cacheGetValue can be imported:

import { getValue } from '@glimmer/tracking/primitives/cache';

§ Ember._cacheIsConst

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--cache-is-const-from-ember

Previously, _cacheIsConst could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _cacheIsConst can be imported:

import { isConst } from '@glimmer/tracking/primitives/cache';

§ Ember._captureRenderTree

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--capture-render-tree-from-ember

Previously, _captureRenderTree could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


_captureRenderTree is also private.

If needed, _captureRenderTree can be imported:

import { captureRenderTree } from '@ember/debug';

However, due to _captureRenderTree being private, it is not recommended, nor supported.

§ Ember._componentManagerCapabilities

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--component-manager-capabilities-from-ember

Previously, _componentManagerCapabilities could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _componentManagerCapabilities can be imported:

import { capabilities } from '@ember/component';

§ Ember._concat

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--concat-from-ember

Previously, _concat could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _concat can be imported:

import { concat } from '@ember/helper';

§ Ember._ContainerProxyMixin

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--container-proxy-mixin-from-ember

Previously, _ContainerProxyMixin could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


_ContainerProxyMixin is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember._createCache

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--create-cache-from-ember

Previously, _createCache could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _createCache can be imported:

import { createCache } from '@glimmer/tracking/primitives/cache';

§ Ember._dependentKeyCompat

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--dependent-key-compat-from-ember

Previously, _dependentKeyCompat could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _dependentKeyCompat can be imported:

import { dependentKeyCompat } from '@ember/object/compat';

§ Ember._descriptor

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--descriptor-from-ember

Previously, _descriptor could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember._enableDestroyableTracking

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--enable-destroyable-tracking-from-ember

Previously, _enableDestroyableTracking could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _enableDestroyableTracking can be imported:

import { enableDestroyableTracking } from '@ember/destroyable';

§ Ember._fn

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--fn-from-ember

Previously, _fn could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _fn can be imported:

import { fn } from '@ember/helper';

§ Ember._getComponentTemplate

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--get-component-template-from-ember

Previously, _getComponentTemplate could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _getComponentTemplate can be imported:

import { getComponentTemplate } from '@ember/component';

§ Ember._get

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--get-from-ember

Previously, _get could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _get can be imported:

import { get } from '@ember/helper';

§ Ember._getPath

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--get-path-from-ember

Previously, _getPath could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember._hash

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--hash-from-ember

Previously, _hash could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _hash can be imported:

import { hash } from '@ember/helper';

§ Ember._helperManagerCapabilities

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--helper-manager-capabilities-from-ember

Previously, _helperManagerCapabilities could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _helperManagerCapabilities can be imported:

import { capabilities } from '@ember/helper';

§ Ember._Input

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--input-from-ember

Previously, _Input could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _Input can be imported:

import { Input }  from '@ember/component';

§ Ember._invokeHelper

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--invoke-helper-from-ember

Previously, _invokeHelper could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _invokeHelper can be imported:

import { invokeHelper } from '@ember/helper';

§ Ember._isDestroyed

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--is-destroyed-from-ember

Previously, _isDestroyed could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _isDestroyed can be imported:

import { isDestroyed } from '@ember/destroyable';

§ Ember._isDestroying

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--is-destroying-from-ember

Previously, _isDestroying could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _isDestroying can be imported:

import { isDestroying } from '@ember/destroyable';

§ Ember._modifierManagerCapabilities

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--modifier-manager-capabilities-from-ember

Previously, _modifierManagerCapabilities could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _modifierManagerCapabilities can be imported:

import { capabilities } from '@ember/modifier';

§ Ember._on

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--on-from-ember

Previously, _on could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _on can be imported:

import { on } from '@ember/modifier';

§ Ember._ProxyMixin

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--proxy-mixin-from-ember

Previously, _ProxyMixin could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


_ProxyMixin is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember._registerDestructor

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--register-destructor-from-ember

Previously, _registerDestructor could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _registerDestructor can be imported:

import { registerDestructor } from '@ember/destroyable';

§ Ember._RegistryProxyMixin

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--registry-proxy-mixin-from-ember

Previously, _RegistryProxyMixin could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


_RegistryProxyMixin is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember._setClassicDecorator

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--set-classic-decorator-from-ember

Previously, _setClassicDecorator could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


_setClassicDecorator is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember._setComponentManager

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--set-component-manager-from-ember

Previously, _setComponentManager could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _setComponentManager can be imported:

import { setComponentManager } from '@ember/component';

§ Ember._setComponentTemplate

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--set-component-template-from-ember

Previously, _setComponentTemplate could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _setComponentTemplate can be imported:

import { setComponentTemplate } from '@ember/component';

§ Ember._setHelperManager

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--set-helper-manager-from-ember

Previously, _setHelperManager could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _setHelperManager can be imported:

import { setHelperManager } from '@ember/helper';

§ Ember._setModifierManager

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--set-modifier-manager-from-ember

Previously, _setModifierManager could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _setModifierManager can be imported:

import { setModifierManager } from '@ember/modifier';

§ Ember._templateOnlyComponent

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--template-only-component-from-ember

Previously, _templateOnlyComponent could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _templateOnlyComponent can be imported:

import templateOnly from '@ember/component/template-only';

§ Ember._tracked

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--tracked-from-ember

Previously, _tracked could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _tracked can be imported:

import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';

§ Ember._unregisterDestructor

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import--unregister-destructor-from-ember

Previously, _unregisterDestructor could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, _unregisterDestructor can be imported:

import { unregisterDestructor } from '@ember/destroyable';

§ Ember.A

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-a-from-ember

Previously, A could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, A can be imported:

import { A }  from '@ember/array';

§ Ember.ActionHandler

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-action-handler-from-ember

Previously, ActionHandler could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


ActionHandler is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.addListener

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-add-listener-from-ember

Previously, addListener could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, addListener can be imported:

import { addListener } from '@ember/object/events';

§ Ember.addObserver

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-add-observer-from-ember

Previously, addObserver could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, addObserver can be imported:

import { addObserver } from '@ember/object/observers';

§ Ember.Application

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-application-from-ember

Previously, Application could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Application can be imported:

import Application from '@ember/application';

§ Ember.ApplicationInstance

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-application-instance-from-ember

Previously, ApplicationInstance could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, ApplicationInstance can be imported:

import ApplicationInstance from '@ember/application/instance';

§ Ember.Array

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-array-from-ember

Previously, Array could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Array can be imported:

import Array  from '@ember/array';

§ Ember.ArrayProxy

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-array-proxy-from-ember

Previously, ArrayProxy could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, ArrayProxy can be imported:

import ArrayProxy  from '@ember/array/proxy';

§ Ember.assert

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-assert-from-ember

Previously, assert could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, assert can be imported:

import { assert } from '@ember/debug';

§ Ember.beginPropertyChanges

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-begin-property-changes-from-ember

Previously, beginPropertyChanges could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


beginPropertyChanges is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.BOOTED

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-booted-from-ember

Previously, BOOTED could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


BOOTED is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.cacheFor

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-cache-for-from-ember

Previously, cacheFor could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.canInvoke

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-can-invoke-from-ember

Previously, canInvoke could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


canInvoke is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.changeProperties

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-change-properties-from-ember

Previously, changeProperties could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


changeProperties is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.Comparable

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-comparable-from-ember

Previously, Comparable could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


Comparable is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.


until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-compare-from-ember

Previously, compare could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';

If needed, compare can be imported:

import { compare } from '@ember/utils';

§ Ember.Component

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-component-from-ember

Previously, Component could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Component can be imported:

import Component  from '@ember/component';

§ Ember.computed

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-computed-from-ember

Previously, computed could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, computed can be imported:

import { computed } from '@ember/object';

§ Ember.ComputedProperty

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-computed-property-from-ember

Previously, ComputedProperty could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.ContainerDebugAdapter

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-container-debug-adapter-from-ember

Previously, ContainerDebugAdapter could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, ContainerDebugAdapter can be imported:

import ContainerDebugAdapter from '@ember/debug/container-debug-adapter';

§ Ember.Container

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-container-from-ember

Previously, Container could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


Container is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.controllerFor

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-controller-for-from-ember

Previously, controllerFor could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


controllerFor is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.Controller

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-controller-from-ember

Previously, Controller could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Controller can be imported:

import Controller  from '@ember/controller';

§ Ember.ControllerMixin

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-controller-mixin-from-ember

Previously, ControllerMixin could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


ControllerMixin is also private.

If needed, ControllerMixin can be imported:

import { ControllerMixin } from '@ember/controller';

However, due to ControllerMixin being private, it is not recommended, nor supported.

§ Ember.CoreObject

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-core-object-from-ember

Previously, CoreObject could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, CoreObject can be imported:

import EmberObject from '@ember/object';

§ Ember.DataAdapter

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-data-adapter-from-ember

Previously, DataAdapter could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, DataAdapter can be imported:

import DataAdapter from '@ember/debug/data-adapter';

§ Ember.debug

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-debug-from-ember

Previously, debug could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, debug can be imported:

import { debug } from '@ember/debug';

§ Ember.defineProperty

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-define-property-from-ember

Previously, defineProperty could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, defineProperty can be imported:

import { defineProperty } from '@ember/object';

§ Ember.deprecate

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-deprecate-from-ember

Previously, deprecate could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, deprecate can be imported:

import { deprecate } from '@ember/debug';

§ Ember.deprecateFunc

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-deprecate-func-from-ember

Previously, deprecateFunc could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, deprecateFunc can be imported:

import { deprecateFunc } from '@ember/debug';

§ Ember.destroy

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-destroy-from-ember

Previously, destroy could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, destroy can be imported:

import { destroy } from '@ember/destroyable';

§ Ember.endPropertyChanges

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-end-property-changes-from-ember

Previously, endPropertyChanges could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


endPropertyChanges is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.Engine

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-engine-from-ember

Previously, Engine could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Engine can be imported:

import Engine from '@ember/engine';

§ Ember.EngineInstance

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-engine-instance-from-ember

Previously, EngineInstance could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, EngineInstance can be imported:

import Engine from '@ember/engine/instance';

§ Ember.Enumerable

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-enumerable-from-ember

Previously, Enumerable could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


Enumerable is also private.

If needed, Enumerable can be imported:

import Enumerable from '@ember/enumerable';

However, due to Enumerable being private, it is not recommended, nor supported.

§ Ember.ENV

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-env-from-ember

Previously, ENV could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, ENV can be imported:

import MyEnv from '<my-app>/config/environment';

For addons, getting access to the environment requires having access to the owner:

import { getOwner } from '@ember/owner';

// ...

let env = getOwner(this).resolveRegistration('config:environment');

§ Ember.Evented

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-evented-from-ember

Previously, Evented could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Evented can be imported:

import Evented from '@ember/object/evented';

§ Ember.expandProperties

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-expand-properties-from-ember

Previously, expandProperties could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, expandProperties can be imported:

import { expandProperties } from '@ember/object/computed';


until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-features-from-ember

Previously, FEATURES could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, FEATURES can be imported:

import { isEnabled, FEATURES } from '@ember/canary-features';

§ Ember.generateControllerFactory

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-generate-controller-factory-from-ember

Previously, generateControllerFactory could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


generateControllerFactory is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.generateController

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-generate-controller-from-ember

Previously, generateController could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


generateController is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.generateGuid

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-generate-guid-from-ember

Previously, generateGuid could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


generateGuid is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.get

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-get-from-ember

Previously, get could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, get can be imported:

import { get } from '@ember/object';

§ Ember.getOwner

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-get-owner-from-ember

Previously, getOwner could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, getOwner can be imported:

import { getOwner } from '@ember/owner';

If you're working in a library and need to support earlier than ember-source@4.11, you may use @embroider/macros to selectively import from the old location

import {
} from '@embroider/macros';

let getOwner;

if (macroCondition(dependencySatisfies('ember-source', '>= 4.11'))) {
  getOwner = importSync('@ember/owner').getOwner;
} else {
  getOwner = importSync('@ember/application').getOwner;

§ Ember.getProperties

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-get-properties-from-ember

Previously, getProperties could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, getProperties can be imported:

import { getProperties } from '@ember/object';

§ Ember.guidFor

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-guid-for-from-ember

Previously, guidFor could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, guidFor can be imported:

import { guidFor } from '@ember/object/internals';

§ Ember.GUID_KEY

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-guid-key-from-ember

Previously, GUID_KEY could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


GUID_KEY is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.Handlebars

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-handlebars-from-ember

Previously, Handlebars could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.hasListeners

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-has-listeners-from-ember

Previously, hasListeners could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.HashLocation

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-hash-location-from-ember

Previously, HashLocation could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, HashLocation can be imported:

import HashLocation from '@ember/routing/hash-location';

§ Ember.Helper

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-helper-from-ember

Previously, Helper could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Helper can be imported:

import Helper  from '@ember/component/helper';

§ Ember.HistoryLocation

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-history-location-from-ember

Previously, HistoryLocation could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, HistoryLocation can be imported:

import HistoryLocation from '@ember/routing/history-location';

§ Ember.HTMLBars

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-htmlbars-from-ember

Previously, HTMLBars could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.inject

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-inject-from-ember

Previously, inject could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.inspect

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-inspect-from-ember

Previously, inspect could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


inspect is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.instrument

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-instrument-from-ember

Previously, instrument could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


instrument is also private.

If needed, instrument can be imported:

import { instrument } from '@ember/instrumentation';

However, due to instrument being private, it is not recommended, nor supported.

§ Ember.Instrumentation

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-instrumentation-from-ember

Previously, Instrumentation could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


Instrumentation is also private.

If needed, Instrumentation can be imported:

import { * } from '@ember/instrumentation';

However, due to Instrumentation being private, it is not recommended, nor supported.

§ Ember.isArray

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-is-array-from-ember

Previously, isArray could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, isArray can be imported:

import { isArray }  from '@ember/array';

§ Ember.isBlank

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-is-blank-from-ember

Previously, isBlank could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, isBlank can be imported:

import { isBlank } from '@ember/utils';

§ Ember.isEmpty

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-is-empty-from-ember

Previously, isEmpty could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, isEmpty can be imported:

import { isEmpty } from '@ember/utils';

§ Ember.isEqual

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-is-equal-from-ember

Previously, isEqual could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, isEqual can be imported:

import { isEqual } from '@ember/utils';

§ Ember.isNamespace

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-is-namespace-from-ember

Previously, isNamespace could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.isPresent

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-is-present-from-ember

Previously, isPresent could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, isPresent can be imported:

import { isPresent } from '@ember/utils';

§ Ember.libraries

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-libraries-from-ember

Previously, libraries could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

If needed, libraries can be imported from a private module:

import { libraries } from '@ember/-internals/metal';

Instead of using this import, consider using a build plugin for your packager. Some options:


These are both more automatic than Ember's libraries utility.

§ Ember.lookup

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-lookup-from-ember

Previously, lookup could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.makeArray

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-make-array-from-ember

Previously, makeArray could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


makeArray is also private.

If needed, makeArray can be imported:

import { makeArray }  from '@ember/array';

However, due to makeArray being private, it is not recommended, nor supported.

§ Ember.meta

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-meta-from-ember

Previously, meta could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


meta is also private.

If needed, meta can be imported:

import { meta } from '@ember/-internals/meta';

However, due to meta being private, it is not recommended, nor supported.

§ Ember.mixin

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-mixin-from-ember

Previously, mixin could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


mixin is also private.

If needed, mixin can be imported:

import { mixin } from '@ember/object/mixin';

However, due to mixin being private, it is not recommended, nor supported.

§ Ember.MutableArray

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-mutable-array-from-ember

Previously, MutableArray could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, MutableArray can be imported:

import MutableArray  from '@ember/array/mutable';

§ Ember.MutableEnumerable

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-mutable-enumerable-from-ember

Previously, MutableEnumerable could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


MutableEnumerable is also private.

If needed, MutableEnumerable can be imported:

import MutableEnumerable from '@ember/enumerable/mutable';

However, due to MutableEnumerable being private, it is not recommended, nor supported.

§ Ember.Namespace

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-namespace-from-ember

Previously, Namespace could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Namespace can be imported:

import Namespace from '@ember/application/namespace';

§ Ember.NativeArray

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-native-array-from-ember

Previously, NativeArray could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, NativeArray can be imported:

import { NativeArray }  from '@ember/array';

§ Ember.NoneLocation

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-none-location-from-ember

Previously, NoneLocation could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, NoneLocation can be imported:

import NoneLocation from '@ember/routing/none-location';

§ Ember.notifyPropertyChange

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-notify-property-change-from-ember

Previously, notifyPropertyChange could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, notifyPropertyChange can be imported:

import { notifyPropertyChange } from '@ember/object';

§ Ember.Object

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-object-from-ember

Previously, Object could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Object can be imported:

import Object from '@ember/object';

§ Ember.ObjectProxy

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-object-proxy-from-ember

Previously, ObjectProxy could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, ObjectProxy can be imported:

import ObjectProxy from '@ember/object/proxy';

§ Ember.Observable

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-observable-from-ember

Previously, Observable could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Observable can be imported:

import Observable from '@ember/object/observable';


until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-observer-from-ember

Previously, observer could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';

If needed, observer can be imported:

import { observer } from '@ember/object';

§ Ember.on

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-on-from-ember

Previously, on could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, on can be imported:

import { on } from '@ember/object/evented';

§ Ember.onLoad

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-on-load-from-ember

Previously, onLoad could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, onLoad can be imported:

import { onLoad } from '@ember/application';

§ Ember.onerror

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-onerror-from-ember

Previously, onerror could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.PromiseProxyMixin

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-promise-proxy-mixin-from-ember

Previously, PromiseProxyMixin could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, PromiseProxyMixin can be imported:

import EmberPromiseProxyMixin from '@ember/object/promise-proxy-mixin';

§ Ember.Registry

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-registry-from-ember

Previously, Registry could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


Registry is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.removeListener

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-remove-listener-from-ember

Previously, removeListener could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, removeListener can be imported:

import { removeListener } from '@ember/object/events';

§ Ember.removeObserver

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-remove-observer-from-ember

Previously, removeObserver could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, removeObserver can be imported:

import { removeObserver } from '@ember/object/observers';

§ Ember.Route

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-route-from-ember

Previously, Route could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Route can be imported:

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

§ Ember.RouterDSL

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-router-dsl-from-ember

Previously, RouterDSL could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.RSVP

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-rsvp-from-ember

Previously, RSVP could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, RSVP can be imported:

import RSVP from 'rsvp';


until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-run-from-ember

Previously, run could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';

If needed, run can be imported:

import { run } from '@ember/runloop';

§ Ember.runInDebug

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-run-in-debug-from-ember

Previously, runInDebug could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, runInDebug can be imported:

import { runInDebug } from '@ember/debug';

§ Ember.runLoadHooks

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-run-load-hooks-from-ember

Previously, runLoadHooks could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, runLoadHooks can be imported:

import { runLoadHooks } from '@ember/application';

§ Ember.sendEvent

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-send-event-from-ember

Previously, sendEvent could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, sendEvent can be imported:

import { sendEvent } from '@ember/object/events';

§ Ember.Service

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-service-from-ember

Previously, Service could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, Service can be imported:

import Service from '@ember/service';

§ Ember.set

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-set-from-ember

Previously, set could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, set can be imported:

import { set } from '@ember/object';

§ Ember.setOwner

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-set-owner-from-ember

Previously, setOwner could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, setOwner can be imported:

import { setOwner } from '@ember/owner';

If you're working in a library and need to support earlier than ember-source@4.11, you may use @embroider/macros to selectively import from the old location

import {
} from '@embroider/macros';

let setOwner;

if (macroCondition(dependencySatisfies('ember-source', '>= 4.11'))) {
  setOwner = importSync('@ember/owner').setOwner;
} else {
  setOwner = importSync('@ember/application').setOwner;

§ Ember.setProperties

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-set-properties-from-ember

Previously, setProperties could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, setProperties can be imported:

import { setProperties } from '@ember/object';

§ Ember.setupForTesting

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-setup-for-testing-from-ember

Previously, setupForTesting could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.subscribe

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-subscribe-from-ember

Previously, subscribe could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


subscribe is also private.

If needed, subscribe can be imported:

import { subscribe } from '@ember/instrumentation';

However, due to subscribe being private, it is not recommended, nor supported.


until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-templates-from-ember

Previously, TEMPLATES could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


TEMPLATES is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.Test

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-test-from-ember

Previously, Test could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.testing

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-testing-from-ember

Previously, testing could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.toString

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-to-string-from-ember

Previously, toString could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.

§ Ember.trySet

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-try-set-from-ember

Previously, trySet could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, trySet can be imported:

import { trySet } from '@ember/object';

§ Ember.typeOf

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-type-of-from-ember

Previously, typeOf could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, typeOf can be imported:

import { typeOf } from '@ember/utils';

§ Ember.uuid

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-uuid-from-ember

Previously, uuid could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


There is no replacement for this API.


until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-version-from-ember

Previously, VERSION could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, VERSION can be imported:

import { VERSION } from '@ember/version';

§ Ember.ViewUtils

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-view-utils-from-ember

Previously, ViewUtils could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


ViewUtils is also private.

If needed, ViewUtils can be imported:

import { isSerializationFirstNode } from '@ember/-internals/glimmer';

However, due to ViewUtils being private, it is not recommended, nor supported.

§ Ember.warn

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-warn-from-ember

Previously, warn could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


If needed, warn can be imported:

import { warn } from '@ember/debug';

§ Ember.wrap

until: 6.0.0
id: deprecate-import-wrap-from-ember

Previously, wrap could be accessed via the Ember import:

import Ember from 'ember';


wrap is also private.

There is no replacement for this API.