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Deprecation Guide for Binding Style Attributes

Content in Handlebars templates is automatically HTML-escaped to help developers prevent inadvertently introducing cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities into their applications. If you want to display trusted content as HTML, you can use a SafeString, a special string that tells Ember that the content should be displayed without escaping.

While this works great for HTML, there are some cases where you may bind user data that the browser interprets as CSS, not HTML. For example, you may bind the style attribute of an element:

<div style={{myStyle}}></div>

Handlebars only escapes HTML, not CSS, so this may introduce a potential XSS vulnerability into your application if a malicious user is able to provide data used in the myStyle property.

Starting in Ember 1.11, you will receive a warning if you attempt to bind the style attribute of an element. Once you have verified that the content being displayed is trusted and properly escaped, you can disable the warning by making the content a SafeString. For example:

  myStyle: Ember.computed('color', function() {
    /* Note: You must implement #escapeCSS. */
    var color = escapeCSS(this.get('color'));
    return Ember.String.htmlSafe("color: " + color);

Make sure you don't put quotes around the sanitized string, myStyle, when you bound it in the template. This would prevent Ember from seeing it as safe.

You can learn more about SafeStrings and writing code that prevents XSS attacks by reading the Writing Helpers guide.